Color Skins

The Immune Booster Drip
Boost Your Immune System!

It contains vitamins and minerals that blocks viral replication and assists cells mediating immunity. Provides Vitamin C to boost lymphocyte and phagocyte production and acts as a powerful antioxidant which protects cells and assists healing.

Ingredients :

Lysine HCL: is an amino acid or building block of protein essential for growth and tissue repair. Contrary to other amino acids, our body cannot produce lysine, so we need to get it through other things like the nutrients in our diet and other supplements.

Your body needs lysine to build protein, promotes immune function, supports bone health and skin as well as encourages wound healing.

Ascorbic Acid: Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, proven to help neutralize the free radicals in our body that lead to oxidative stress. This helps to prevent premature skin aging and delay the visible signs of biological skin aging. Supporting wound healing and tissue repair.

Vitamin B Complex : is vital to supporting biochemical reactions in your immune system. One of its major roles is in producing white blood cells and T-cells. Those are the cells in your body that respond to fight off invaders, like viruses and bacteria. A robust immune system is the cornerstone of good health, and B Complex plays an integral role in supporting your immunity to fend off infections during flu and allergy season.

Pyridoxine B6 / Thiamine B1: B6 is key to the immune system as it also plays a role in producing white blood cells and T cells. These are key regulators in our immune response. B6 also helps the body make IL-2 which directs WBC activity.

Glutathione: Glutathione is a super-powered antioxidant with free-radical scavenging activity that protects your body from disease and the effects of aging. Reduces inflammation in the body.

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